306 research outputs found

    Geoarchaeological evidence of Holocene human impact and soil erosion on a till plain in Vorpommern (KĂŒhlenhagen, NE-Germany)

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    GeoarchĂ€ologische Untersuchungen im Bereich eines glazigenen Solls verweisen auf den holozĂ€nen menschlichen Einfluss auf einer GrundmorĂ€nenplatte in Vorpommern in prĂ€historischer und historischer Zeit sowie dessen geomorphologische RĂŒckkopplung. Die basale sedimentĂ€re FĂŒllung der untersuchten Depression besteht aus Torf, Mudde und Verlandungstorf und spiegelt frĂŒh- bis mittelholozĂ€ne hydrologische Schwankungen wider. Die obere Sequenz von wechselnden Kolluvien und organogenen Schichten deutet auf einen variierenden menschlichen Einfluss im Laufe der Zeit hin. Absolute AMS 14C-Datierungen von begrabenen Torfen und Mineralbodenhorizonten mit zum Teil erhöhten Anteilen organischer Substanz, abgesichert durch palynologische und archĂ€ologische Daten, belegen zwischenzeitliche Phasen von OberflĂ€chenstabilitĂ€t. Hingegen reflektieren die kolluvialen Sande Phasen erhöhter prĂ€historischer und historischer Besiedlung und Landnutzung. Die Sande können zum einen relativ durch die organogenen Schichten datiert und zum anderen zu den benachbarten archĂ€ologischen Funden in Beziehung gebracht werden. Erhöhte Erosionsprozesse werden demnach in das spĂ€te Neolithikum, den Übergang spĂ€te Bronzezeit zur frĂŒhen Eisenzeit, das Mittelalter und letztendlich in die Moderne gestellt. Die Akkumulation des jĂŒngsten Kolluviums fĂŒhrt im Randbereich des Solls zur völligen Verfüllung bis an die rezente OberflĂ€che.researc

    Partitioning a call graph

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    Splitting a large software system into smaller and more manageable units has become an important problem for many organizations. The basic structure of a software system is given by a directed graph with vertices representing the programs of the system and arcs representing calls from one program to another. Generating a good partitioning into smaller modules becomes a minimization problem for the number of programs being called by external programs. First, we formulate an equivalent integer linear programming problem with 0–1 variables. theoretically, with this approach the problem can be solved to optimality, but this becomes very costly with increasing size of the software system. Second, we formulate the problem as a hypergraph partitioning problem. This is a heuristic method using a multilevel strategy, but it turns out to be very fast and to deliver solutions that are close to optimal

    Late Quaternary evolution of rivers, lakes and peatlands in northeast Germany reflecting past climatic and human impact – an overview

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    Die Kenntnis der regionalen PalĂ€ohydrologie ist eine wesentliche Grundlage fĂŒr das VerstĂ€ndnis aktueller Umweltfragen, wie zum Beispiel nach den GrĂŒnden von hydrologischen VerĂ€nderungen, dem Einfluss von Landnutzungsstrategien und der Wirksamkeit von Renaturierungsvorhaben in Feuchtgebieten. Auch die Interpretation von Modellierungsergebnissen zu den kĂŒnftigen EinflĂŒssen des Klima- und Landnutzungswandels auf das GewĂ€ssersystem kann durch die Einbeziehung (prĂ€-) historischer Analogien verbessert werden. FĂŒr das glazial geprĂ€gte nordostdeutsche Tiefland wurde eine Übersicht der vorliegenden palĂ€ohydrologischen Befunde fĂŒr den Zeitraum der letzten etwa 20.000 Jahre erarbeitet. Die Entwicklung der FlĂŒsse wurde mit Blick auf die Tal-/Auengenese und das Ablagerungsmilieu, die VerĂ€nderung des Tal- und Gerinneverlaufs sowie den PalĂ€oabfluss bzw. das PalĂ€ohochwasser betrachtet. Wesentliche genetische Unterschiede bestehen zwischen Alt- (Elster- und Saalekaltzeit) und JungmorĂ€nengebieten (Weichselkaltzeit) sowie zwischen hoch und tief gelegenen TĂ€lern. Letztere sind stark durch WasserspiegelverĂ€nderungen in der Nord- und Ostsee beeinflusst worden. Die Entwicklung der Seen wurde hinsichtlich der Seebildung, die ĂŒberwiegend eine Folge der spĂ€tpleistozĂ€nen bis frĂŒhholozĂ€nen Toteistieftau-Dynamik ist, und der VerĂ€nderungen im Ablagerungsmilieu analysiert. Weiterhin standen SeespiegelverĂ€nderungen im Fokus, wobei sich hoch variable lokale Befunde mit einigen Übereinstimmungen zeigten. Der Überblick zur Moorentwicklung konzentrierte sich auf hydrogenetische Moorentwicklungsphasen und auf die langfristige Entwicklung des Grundwasserspiegels. Enge Beziehungen zwischen der Entwicklung der FlĂŒsse, Seen und Moore bestanden insbesondere im SpĂ€tholozĂ€n durch komplexe Vermoorungsprozesse in den großen FlusstĂ€lern. Bis in das SpĂ€tholozĂ€n wurde die regionale Hydrologie ĂŒberwiegend durch klimatische, geomorphologische und nicht-anthropogene biologische Faktoren gesteuert. Seit dem SpĂ€tmittelalter wurde in der Region das GewĂ€ssernetz und der Wasserkreislauf im starken Maß durch anthropogene Interventionen beeinflusst (z.B. Aufstau von FlĂŒssen und Seen, Bau von KanĂ€len und Deichen, Moorkultivierung). In den letzten etwa 50 Jahren haben dann sogar die kurzfristigen anthropogenen Eingriffe, z.B. in Form von Abflussregulierung, Hydromelioration und kĂŒnstlicher Seebildung, die Wirksamkeit langfristiger klimatischer und geomorphologischer Prozesse ĂŒbertroffen.researc

    Multiphoton In Vivo Microscopy of Embryonic Thrombopoiesis Reveals the Generation of Platelets through Budding.

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    Platelets are generated by specialized cells called megakaryocytes (MKs). However, MK's origin and platelet release mode have remained incompletely understood. Here, we established direct visualization of embryonic thrombopoiesis in vivo by combining multiphoton intravital microscopy (MP-IVM) with a fluorescence switch reporter mouse model under control of the platelet factor 4 promoter (Pf4CreRosa26mTmG). Using this microscopy tool, we discovered that fetal liver MKs provide higher thrombopoietic activity than yolk sac MKs. Mechanistically, fetal platelets were released from MKs either by membrane buds or the formation of proplatelets, with the former constituting the key process. In E14.5 c-Myb-deficient embryos that lack definitive hematopoiesis, MK and platelet numbers were similar to wild-type embryos, indicating the independence of embryonic thrombopoiesis from definitive hematopoiesis at this stage of development. In summary, our novel MP-IVM protocol allows the characterization of thrombopoiesis with high spatio-temporal resolution in the mouse embryo and has identified membrane budding as the main mechanism of fetal platelet production

    Synthetic biology identifies the minimal gene set required for paclitaxel biosynthesis in a plant chassis

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    The diterpenoid paclitaxel (Taxol) is a chemotherapy medication widely used as a first-line treatment against several types of solid cancers. The supply of paclitaxel from natural sources is limited. However, missing knowledge about the genes involved in several specific metabolic steps of paclitaxel biosynthesis has rendered it difficult to engineer the full pathway. In this study, we used a combination of transcriptomics, cell biology, metabolomics, and pathway reconstitution to identify the complete gene set required for the heterologous production of paclitaxel. We identified the missing steps from the current model of paclitaxel biosynthesis and confirmed the activity of most of the missing enzymes via heterologous expression in Nicotiana benthamiana. Notably, we identified a new C4ÎČ-C20 epoxidase that could overcome the first bottleneck of metabolic engineering. We used both previously characterized and newly identified oxomutases/epoxidases, taxane 1ÎČ-hydroxylase, taxane 9α-hydroxylase, taxane 9α-dioxygenase, and phenylalanine-CoA ligase, to successfully biosynthesize the key intermediate baccatin III and to convert baccatin III into paclitaxel in N. benthamiana. In combination, these approaches establish a metabolic route to taxoid biosynthesis and provide insights into the unique chemistry that plants use to generate complex bioactive metabolites

    Early treatment of complex located pediatric low-grade gliomas using iodine-125 brachytherapy alone or in combination with microsurgery

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    To analyze efficacy, functional outcome, and treatment toxicity of low-dose rate I-125 brachytherapy (SBT) alone or in combination with best safe resection (in case of larger tumor volumes) as first-line treatment for pediatric low-grade gliomas (PLGGs) not suitable for complete resection. Consecutively treated (2000-2014) complex located circumscribed WHO grade I/II PLGGs were included. For small tumors (4cm in diameter) SBT alone was performed;for larger tumors best safe resection and subsequent SBT was chosen. Temporary Iodine-125 seeds were used (median reference dose: 54Gy). Treatment response was estimated with the modified MacDonald criteria. Analysis of functional outcome included ophthalmological, endocrinological and neurological evaluation. Survival was analyzed with the Kaplan-Meier method. Prognostic factors were obtained from proportional hazards models. Toxicity was categorized according to the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events. Fifty-eight patients were included treated either with SBT alone (n=39) or with SBT plus microsurgery (n=19). Five-year progression-free survival was 87%. Two patients had died due to tumor progression. Among survivors, improvement/stabilization/deterioration of functional deficits was seen in 20/14/5 patients, respectively. Complete/partial response had beneficial impact on functional scores (P=0.02). The 5-year estimated risk to receive adjuvant radiotherapy/chemotherapy was 5.2%. The overall early (delayed) toxicity rate was 8.6% (10.3%), respectively. No permanent morbidity occurred. In complex located PLGGs, early SBT alone or combined with best safe resection preserves/improves functional scores and results in tumor control rates usually achieved with complete resection. Long-term analysis is necessary for confirmation of these results

    Assessment of intraductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) using grating-based X-ray phase-contrast CT at conventional X-ray sources: An experimental ex-vivo study

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    Background The extent of intraductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is commonly underestimated due to the discontinuous growth and lack of microcalcifications. Specimen radiography has been established to reduce the rate of re-excision. However, the predictive value for margin assessment with conventional specimen radiography for DCIS is low. In this study we assessed the potential of grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography (GBPC-CT) at conventional X-ray sources for specimen tomography of DCIS containing samples. Materials and methods GBPC-CT was performed on four ex-vivo breast specimens containing DCIS and invasive carcinoma of non-specific type. Phase-contrast and absorption-based datasets were manually matched with corresponding histological slices as the standard of reference. Results Matching of CT images and histology was successful. GBPC-CT showed an improved soft tissue contrast compared to absorption-based images revealing more histological details in the same sections. Non-calcifying DCIS exceeding the invasive tumor could be correlated to areas of dilated bright ducts around the tumor. Conclusions GBPC-CT imaging at conventional X-ray sources offers improved depiction quality for the imaging of breast tissue samples compared to absorption-based imaging, allows the identification of diagnostically relevant tissue details, and provides full three-dimensional assessment of sample margins

    Experimental Realisation of High-sensitivity Laboratory X-ray Grating-based Phase-contrast Computed Tomography

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    The possibility to perform high-sensitivity X-ray phase-contrast imaging with laboratory grating-based phase-contrast computed tomography (gbPC-CT) setups is of great interest for a broad range of high-resolution biomedical applications. However, achieving high sensitivity with laboratory gbPC-CT setups still poses a challenge because several factors such as the reduced flux, the polychromaticity of the spectrum, and the limited coherence of the X-ray source reduce the performance of laboratory gbPC-CT in comparison to gbPC-CT at synchrotron facilities. In this work, we present our laboratory X-ray Talbot-Lau interferometry setup operating at 40 kVp and describe how we achieve the high sensitivity yet unrivalled by any other laboratory X-ray phase-contrast technique. We provide the angular sensitivity expressed via the minimum resolvable refraction angle both in theory and experiment, and compare our data with other differential phase-contrast setups. Furthermore, we show that the good stability of our high-sensitivity setup allows for tomographic scans, by which even the electron density can be retrieved quantitatively as has been demonstrated in several preclinical studies
